martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010
The System Administrator Song
Here's a guy who works in another room,
or, on another floor.
He's the one you call,
when your document ain't there no more.
He's probably a boy, but he might be a girl,
or, something in-between.
He's the only one in the office
who knows what PC load-letter means.
He's your System Administrator,
he probably reads comic books.
and you tremble in fear when you have to hear one of his,
"What a dummy", looks.
Got a virus, lost your password or you just can't print?
In an hour he'll show and then he'll crouch and squint.
Fight to save your files, he might be there all day.
But sometimes, he just presses caps lock...and he walks away...
But hey! Suddenly my password works! Wow Hooray!
Hooray, happy day,
Gonna buy my guy a gift to say:
"Having you around means I get to stay
Stupid! And uninformed!"
And I can keep opening .exe file attachments,
forgetting my mother's maiden name,
cause you'll fix it all for me!
I'll give you a cake,
I'll give you a hug,
I'll buy "The World's Best
System Administrator" mug,
Just help me out...
System Administrator!
Please plug in my mouse!
System Administrator
I don't know which button is the mouse clic button
System Administrator
Piss him off,
And you'll be fired by tomorrow morn,
Cause he's the guy
Who knows that you were surfing porn.
So... Make sure stay nice to your
System Administrator
Canción Informática,
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